This feature allows you to narrow and customise your search results or filter down to find exactly what you want.
Examples of what you can search for are the:
To search for a specific card by using a customer's Rego, you can type in the search & filter field as seen below.
Repair-shop then shows all the cards based on what you type. In the example below we type in the rego “DAT91X“, and Repair-Shop shows the Card with that rego for you to view in more detail by clicking on the card.
Before you use the filter, you can see all the cards in Repair-shop. From here if you wanted to search all cards with the same reference for example an Insurer then you can type in the search & filter field
When you want to filter for example a certain insurer, just type the insurer name. In the example below we type in the insurer “G.I.O”, then Repair-Shop filters the Cards showing only those with that specific insurer.