The options drop down displays the different actions which allow you perfrom more actions related to infomation gathering
The Go to Estimate option directs you straight to the estimate that is linked to the Card you are looking at.
Adding a note is available from any tab while in the Card details. Add note berings up the Note entry page so that you can quickly add some information
This option allows you to add this card into the Vechicle in Board or the Departure Board. Both both as designed for the workshop management. This is a quick and easy way to add them.
Card is now in the Vehicle In Board
Card is now in the Departure Board
An alternate and more enhanced way to add a Card to one of the boards is to use the “Scheduling” section of the Edit Card page.
When you need a printed paper copy version of the Job card you want to place with each vehicle or handover to a technician when you dont want to use the digital job card from a phone or tablet.
A printed job card has all the same information as the digitial version including tick boxes to allows techs to mark off completion of repair tasks.
This gives you a quick way to create a Task for that card to assign to another person or yourself as a reminder.
The option will direct you to the new task page in the activity regardless of where you are in the Edit Card page.
When you need to further filter your jobs into Active and Closed, the Mark as Active field lets you organise your cards by visibility on wheter they are just open and not in focus or Active and a primary focus.
This is an Optional feature that can be usefull for shops that need more visibility control than just Card status
When you need to further filter your jobs into Active and Closed, the Mark as Closed field lets you organise your cards by visibility on wheter they are just open and in focus or just closed and no longer need to be seen most of the time.
This is an Optional feature that can be usefull for shops that need more visibility control than just Card status
Repair-shop lets users assign Cards to each other in the same way you would assign a job to one and other. The card has all the vehicle information, photos, files and repair item checklist to tick so as to track its progress through the repair process.
When someone else assigns you a Card, the system is triggered to alert you next time you view the card or are search others by display the notification icon in a Blue colour. Mark as Read allows you to set this to no longer notify you as you have acknowldged that you now have read the card and are aware that its been assigned to you.
When your Assigned a Cars the notificatin icon appears in a blue colour. After you view this cards details and click on Mark As Read, the icon colour returns back to a grey colour. This can help office staff and techs know whats been assigned and what they have acknowledged they have read.
The notification nows turns Grey after Mark as Read has been actioned by the person viewing it that it was asigned to.
This feature allows you to save a lot of time if you need to recreate a card with its estimate details from a pre-existing one or i you want to copy the contents into one you already started for the same customer and vehicle.
This feature can be a BIG time saver when you have repair where one part is going through insurance and the other private, or if it has 2 different insruance claims on it.
Take a look at the videos below of how copy card can be used in these scenarios.
Using Copy Card on a vechile for an INSURANCE and PRIVATE Estimate
Using Copy Card on a vehicel for an INSURANCE and INSURANCE Estimate
When you need to compeletly delete a card and any estimate, supplement and invoice linked to it in one go, use the Delete Card opton. This triggers a check of any linked records and will include in the one action.
Note: this action is irreversible. its receommended that you always check what linked Esitmates, supplements or invoices its asking you to confirm to delete also.